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2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
Анатолий Богомолов | fe16d4eee9 | |
Анатолий Богомолов | b97e8fe739 |
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
"Москва": 1,
"Санкт-Петербург": 77,
"Бутово": 111,
"Внуковское": 207,
"Зеленоград": 71,
"Котельники": 98,
"Поселение Вороновское": 174,
"Рабочий поселок Столбовая": 173,
"Троицк": 195,
"Щербинка": 162,
"мкр.Град Московский": 105,
"п. Коммунарка": 165,
"п.Рязановское": 121,
"пос. Десеновское": 104,
"рп Тучково": 164,
"Андреевка": 185,
"Балашиха": 44,
"Бронницы": 106,
"Видное": 126,
"Волоколамск": 137,
"Высоковск": 184,
"Голицыно": 163,
"Дедовск ": 107,
"Дзержинский": 29,
"Дмитров": 6,
"Долгопрудный": 36,
"Домодедово": 115,
"Дубна": 90,
"Егорьевск": 30,
"Жуковский": 110,
"Зарайск": 113,
"Звенигород": 116,
"Ивантеевка": 127,
"Истра": 102,
"Кашира": 65,
"Клин": 64,
"Коломна": 31,
"Королев": 60,
"Красноармейск": 210,
"Красногорск": 69,
"Краснозаводск": 189,
"Кубинка": 134,
"Куровское": 80,
"Ликино-Дулево": 48,
"Лобня": 61,
"Лосино-Петровский": 74,
"Луховицы": 25,
"Лыткарино": 117,
"Люберцы": 27,
"Малаховка": 130,
"Можайск": 122,
"Мытищи": 79,
"Наро-Фоминск": 124,
"Нахабино": 196,
"Некрасовский": 188,
"Ногинск": 26,
"Одинцово": 38,
"Озеры": 114,
"Орехово-Зуево": 33,
"Павловский Посад": 70,
"Пересвет": 67,
"Подольск": 28,
"Протвино": 203,
"Путилково": 201,
"Пушкино": 84,
"Раменское": 75,
"Реутов": 35,
"Руза": 197,
"Сапроново": 211,
"Сергиев Посад": 46,
"Серебряные пруды": 45,
"Серпухов": 50,
"Солнечногорск": 118,
"Старая Купавна": 88,
"Ступино": 66,
"Талдом": 135,
"Фрязино": 32,
"Химки": 62,
"Хотьково": 204,
"Черноголовка": 54,
"Чехов": 59,
"Шатура": 129,
"Щелково": 19,
"Электрогорск": 208,
"Электросталь": 91,
"Электроугли": 216,
"Яхрома": 68,
"р.п. Лесной": 92,
"р.п. Октябрьский": 99,
"рп. Боброво": 215,
"Колпино": 97,
"Кронштадт ": 103,
"Петергоф": 212,
"Сестрорецк": 96,
"Шушары": 123,
"п. Металлострой": 161,
"Бокситогорск": 205,
"Волосово": 202,
"Волхов": 206,
"Всеволожск": 153,
"Выборг": 156,
"Гатчина": 108,
"Кингисепп": 144,
"Кириши": 148,
"Кировск": 193,
"Кудрово": 158,
"Ломоносов": 159,
"Луга": 147,
"Мурино": 157,
"Никольское": 150,
"Отрадное": 151,
"Поселок имени Морозова": 182,
"Приозерск": 136,
"Пушкин": 160,
"Сертолово": 132,
"Сланцы": 154,
"Тихвин": 178,
"Тосно": 176,
"Шлиссельбург": 155,
"Александров": 53,
"Владимир": 52,
"Вязники": 86,
"Гусь-Хрустальный": 145,
"Киржач": 199,
"Ковров": 56,
"Кольчугино": 89,
"Лакинск": 179,
"Муром": 43,
"Петушки": 167,
"Покров": 138,
"Радужный": 120,
"Собинка": 168,
"Струнино": 131,
"Судогда ": 109,
"Юрьев-Польский": 81,
"Заволжск": 194,
"Иваново": 85,
"Кохма": 200,
"Родники": 186,
"Тейково": 128,
"Шуя": 187,
"Белоусово": 171,
"Боровск": 170,
"Калуга": 140,
"Кременки": 191,
"Малоярославец": 172,
"Обнинск": 141,
"Кострома": 76,
"Выкса": 181,
"Дзержинск": 169,
"Кулебаки": 183,
"Нижний Новгород": 146,
"Боровичи": 180,
"Валдай": 192,
"Великий Новгород": 143,
"Старая Русса": 149,
"Великие Луки": 166,
"Остров": 177,
"Псков": 142,
"Рязань": 63,
"Тверь": 213,
"Алексин": 217,
"Богородицк": 221,
"Венев": 152,
"Донской": 82,
"Ефремов": 219,
"Кимовск": 101,
"Новомосковск": 94,
"Суворов": 190,
"Тула": 40,
"Узловая": 125,
"Щекино": 51,
"Переславль-Залесский": 209,
"Рыбинск": 198,
"Ярославль": 100
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
import asyncio
import asyncio
import configparser
import configparser
import random
import random
import logging
from loguru import logger
import aiohttp
import aiohttp
import backoff
import backoff
from utils.exceptions import ConfigError
from crawler.utils.exceptions import ConfigError
from crawler.types import City, Proxy
from crawler.types import City, Proxy
from utils.classes import Singleton
from crawler.utils.classes import Singleton
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log = logger
class CrawlerAPI(metaclass=Singleton):
class CrawlerAPI(metaclass=Singleton):
api_baseurl = ""
api_baseurl = ""
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class CrawlerAPI(metaclass=Singleton):
@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, (aiohttp.ClientError, aiohttp.ServerConnectionError), max_tries=15, logger=log)
@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, (aiohttp.ClientError, aiohttp.ServerConnectionError), max_tries=15, logger=log)
async def send_products(self, results: list):
async def send_products(self, results: list):
||||||"Sending data")
|"Sending data...")
url = f"{self.api_url}/prices/{self.rival_tag}"
url = f"{self.api_url}/prices/{self.rival_tag}"
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class CrawlerAPI(metaclass=Singleton):
response = await, json=data, auth=self.auth)
response = await, json=data, auth=self.auth)
status, response_text = response.status, await response.text()
status, response_text = response.status, await response.text()
||||||"{data} was sended. Status: {status}. Response: {response_text}")
log.debug(f"{data} was sended. Status: {status}. Response: {response_text}")
if status >= 500:
if status >= 500:
await asyncio.sleep(15)
await asyncio.sleep(15)
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import dataclass
from utils.classes import DataclassBase
from crawler.utils.classes import DataclassBase
class City(DataclassBase):
class City(DataclassBase):
id: int = 0
city: str
city: str
region_id: int | None
region_id: int | None
region_name: str | None
region_name: str | None
is_byapt: 1 | 0
class Proxy(DataclassBase):
class Proxy(DataclassBase):
@ -1,17 +1,50 @@
import sys
import sys
import asyncio
import configparser
import json
import multiprocessing
from loguru import logger
from loguru import logger
from import CityParser
from import CityParser
from import City
from import City
from crawler.api import CrawlerAPI
from crawler.utils.classes import DataclassJSONEncoder
from crawler.types import City, Proxy
async def get_crawler_data():
crawler = CrawlerAPI()
cities = await crawler.get_cities()
proxies = await crawler.get_proxies()
return cities, proxies
def filter_cities(config, cities: list[City]) -> list[City]:
with open(config["parser"]["cities_path"]) as f:
cities_stolichki = json.load(f)
for city in cities:
| = cities_stolichki[]
return cities
def main():
def main(cities: list[City], proxies: list[Proxy]):
city = City(111, "Бутово", 1, [])
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
result = CityParser(city).parse()
cities = filter_cities(config, cities)
quantity = config['parser']['cities_quantity'] or len(cities)
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=quantity) as pool: #type: ignore
results = city: CityParser(city, proxies).parse(), cities)
with open("results.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(results, f, cls=DataclassJSONEncoder, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if __name__ == "__main__":
logger.add(sys.stderr, level="DEBUG", backtrace=True, enqueue=True) #type: ignore
logger.add(sys.stderr, level="DEBUG", backtrace=True, enqueue=True) #type: ignore
cities, proxies =
main(cities, proxies)
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ from import ChromeDriverManager
from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha
from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha
from stolichki.errors import CaptchaError, ConfigError, LoadingError
from stolichki.errors import CaptchaError, LoadingError
from crawler.utils.exceptions import ConfigError
class StolichkiDriver(uc.Chrome):
class StolichkiDriver(uc.Chrome):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@ -5,7 +5,3 @@ class CaptchaError(Exception):
class LoadingError(Exception):
class LoadingError(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args: object) -> None:
def __init__(self, *args: object) -> None:
class ConfigError(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args: object) -> None:
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
from import By
from import By
from crawler.types import Proxy
from stolichki.driver import StolichkiDriver
from stolichki.driver import StolichkiDriver
from stolichki.parsers.category import get_category_parser
from stolichki.parsers.category import get_category_parser
from import City
from import City
class CityParser:
class CityParser:
def __init__(self, city: City) -> None:
def __init__(self, city, proxies: list[Proxy]) -> None:
self.driver = StolichkiDriver()
self.driver = StolichkiDriver()
|||||| = city
| = city
Reference in New Issue