const API_URL = window.location.origin; const nameInput = document.querySelector("#input-name"); const phoneInput = document.querySelector("#input-phone"); const addSessionForm = document.querySelector("#add-session-form"); const openFileButton = document.querySelector("#open-file-btn"); const secretCodeModal = new bootstrap.Modal('#secretCodeModal'); const secretCodeForm = document.querySelector("#secret-code-form"); const secretCodeInput = document.querySelector("#input-secret-code"); const passwordModal = new bootstrap.Modal('#passwordModal'); const passwordForm = document.querySelector("#password-form"); const passwordInput = document.querySelector("#input-password"); let phoneHash = ""; const handleCreation = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (phoneInput.value == "" || nameInput.value == "") { alert("Пожалуйста, заполните все поля."); return; } const data = getAuthData(); res = await fetch(`${API_URL}/api/sessions/`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(data), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", } }); result = await res.json(); switch(result.status) { case "ok": window.location = "/"; break; case "error": handleError(result); break; case "exception": alert(`Ошибка: ${result.message}.`); break; default: alert(`Неизвестная ошибка. Проверьте логи`); } } const getAuthData = () => { const inputFields = [passwordInput, secretCodeInput, nameInput, phoneInput] data = {} inputFields.forEach((el) => { if (el.value !== "") { data[] = el.value.replace(/ /g, ''); } }) if (phoneHash !== "") data["phone_hash"] = phoneHash; return data; } const handleRequest = async (fn) => { } const handleError = (result) => { switch(result.action) { case "code": phoneHash = result.phone_hash;; break; case "password":; break; } } addSessionForm.addEventListener("submit", handleCreation); secretCodeForm.addEventListener("submit", handleCreation); passwordForm.addEventListener("submit", handleCreation); // openFileButton.addEventListener("click", handleOpening); function handleOpening() { let input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'file'; input.accept = ".zip"; input.onchange = async () => { // you can use this method to get file and perform respective operations let archive = Array.from(input.files)[0]; let formData = new FormData(); formData.append("archive", archive); response = await fetch(`${API_URL}/api/save_session_file.php`, { method: "POST", body: formData }); if (response.status == "201") { window.location = "/" } else { const error_text = await response.text(); const error_status = await response.status; alert(`${error_status}: ${error_text}`); } };; }